
Friday, February 01, 2013

AIN injury

今天遇到了一個AIN injury from distal radius fracture(?)
這是病人的OK sign

AIN支配-PQ,FDP,FPL motor, no sensory fibers

Common in - fractures of the "supracondylar humerus" and "proximal forearm" ( tendinous origin of deep head of pronator teres (most common))

PE - inability to make the “OK” sign. (DIP joint of the index finger and the IP joint of the thumb are hyperextended)

EMG: needle examination is difficult because of the deep location

Diff Dx:
-lateral cord lesion(anterior division of upper (C5, C6) & middle trunks (C7))
- FDP avulsion or avulsion of index profundus tendons;
- C-8 radiculopathy:
- Parsonage-Turner Syndrome(brachial neuropathy)

Tx:surgery should not be considered for at least 1 year, since late spontaneous recovery may occur.

***Median nerve video

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